Best Cartoon Neon Genesis Wallpaper

Best Cartoon Neon Genesis Wallpaper

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Neon Genesis Evangelion Image

Neon Genesis Evangelion ( Shin Seiki Evangerion?), commonly referred to as NGE, Eva, or Evangelion, is a commercially and critically successful, influential, and controversial Japanese anime that began in October 1995; the series launched the Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise. It won several major animation awards. The anime was created by Gainax, written and directed by Hideaki Anno, and co-produced by TV Tokyo and Nihon Ad Systems (NAS).
Evangelion is an apocalyptic mecha action series which revolves around the efforts by the paramilitary organization Nerv to fight monstrous beings called Angels, primarily using giant mecha called Evangelions which are piloted by select teenagers, one of whom is the primary protagonist.
Events in the series refer to Judeo-Christian symbols from the Book of Genesis and Biblical apocrypha among others. Later episodes shift focus to psychoanalysis of the main characters, who display various emotional problems and mental illnesses; the nature of existence and reality are questioned in a way that lets Evangelion be characterized as "postmodern fantasy". Hideaki Anno, the director of the anime series, suffered from clinical depression prior to creating the series, and the psychological aspects of the show are based on the director's own experiences with overcoming this illness.
In the original Japanese, the word "Evangelion" is pronounced with a hard g per its Greek roots (see Translation notes on the title below).

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Bleach Anime Wallpaper

Anime has different characters and superheroes that are depicted in many cartoons. Some of these series have become very popular throughout the years. One of the most famous anime creations would be bleach, which is a cartoon series which has spun to more than one hundred and fifty episodes to date. Bleach anime wallpaper are a big hit with its fans now you get to put Ichigo, on your desktop and maybe in his Bankai form. Ichigo is the main character of the bleach series and the story shows how he go from being a lonely boy whose mum died when he was young to a samurai ghost killing warrior.

Basically Ichigo meets some girl god or soul slayer, I think that is what they are called who gives him some of her power and he too becomes one. So you get to travel through his many adventures watching him killing the bad guys and sometimes fighting with the good guys and becoming a full fledged warrior who I believe can kick most of those dude butts.

The bleach anime wallpaper features all the stars of the anime cartoon series as well as the bad guys. You get to put them up on your desktop and change them at will. You can find most of these wallpapers if Google the word bleach, where you will find several website willing to give you free wallpapers.

Join the fun and get yourself bleach anime wallpaper which you can put up on your desktop. Watch the anime cartoon series and get to choose who your favorite of the characters portrayed in the cartoon. Enjoy the wonderful bright and beautiful colors which are mixed together to showcase great bleach wallpapers.

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