Trigun Cartoon Wallpapers

Trigun Cartoon Wallpapers
Trigun (Toraigan) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhiro Nightow, published from 1995 to 2007 and spanning 14 collected volumes.
The manga was serialized in Tokuma Shoten's Shōnen Captain from the series debut in 1995 until the magazine's demise 1997. The series continued in Shōnen Gahosha's Young King Ours magazine, under the title Trigun Maximum (Toraigan Makishimamu), where it remained until finishing in 2007.
Trigun was adapted into an animated television series in 1998. The Madhouse Studios production aired on TV Tokyo from April 4, 1998 to September 30 1998, totaling 26 episodes. An animated feature film is expected in 2009.
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