SpongeBob Widespread traction

SpongeBob is one cartoon than a lot of cooked siri to attract adult audiences and children. This may be a lot to do with the picture of life and the circumstances in strange waters, and the use of the situation, touch and difficult term that is understood younger viewers. There are also complicated senario ironic that requires careful attention.

Pull some of this design meetings related to the nature of slavery kebudak SpongeBob and his best friend, Patrick Star, who are both aged adults but showed straightness properties of human childhood. However, these temperaments tida exception rather than the activities that are more mature, as in offering kepujanggan stadium rock, or Patrick asks SpongeBob children again after taking a baby kapis under their surveillance.

This design became popular with teenage and adult audience, so this siri broadcast on MTV and Spike TV is shown in. The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie is released on November 19, 2004, witnessed a special appearance by David Hasselhoff, in a single round from his role add siri TV Baywatch.
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